The International Ovidian Society announces its Graduate Student Paper Prize, to be awarded each year to the pre-doctoral author of the best paper about Ovid and/or his reception submitted to the Selection Committee. Anyone may nominate papers, and self-nominations are strongly encouraged. Submitted papers must be scripts of 15- to 30-minute oral presentations delivered at academic conferences or meetings that took place in the academic year prior to the award. Any paper delivered between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021 will be eligible for this year’s award. The submission deadline is October 1, 2021.

Submissions should include (in an email): 1) The presenter’s name, affiliation, and email address; 2) brief details about the conference submission; and 3) an attached copy of the paper and attendant handout or PowerPoint presentation. Neither the paper nor any other supporting documents should contain any information that would identify the author. Papers may be submitted in any language. Submissions will be reviewed blind by a joint committee of faculty and graduate students. The award will be presented at the Business Meeting of the IOS during the SCS convention in January 2022.

Send submissions any time until October 1, 2021 to Teresa Ramsby at